Tide pools! They are such beautiful, magical little lagoons of sea creatures, little miniature oceans.enter the Little Mermaid
This is where the pirates hid the treasure...
...and we are going to find it!
well, maybe they dropped it down here by accident.
I found my treasure! I love sea rocks and seaweed. I discovered pretty early on that you can't take seaweed home...it starts to stink. So I have to just admire it in its habitat.
Point Loma lighthouse. I harbored many fantasies about living in this house, making sea grass dolls, chasing Victorian ghosts, collecting sea shells to cover mirrors and boxes, cooking earthy stews with wooden spoons and iron kettles. (and you know what, I still harbor those fantasies!)
Look at their banjo!
Oh, please let me live here!
Okay, well, to be practical, I probably wouldn't enjoy having to feed the fire to cook. But I would love to have a gas stove next to it that I could cook on, and the wood stove to boil water for tea!
That staircase/spiral photo is magical! Love the little faces!
Wow, how did I not know about the sweetness of this place? Thanks. I'm going to San Diego this weekend, I'm going to check it out for my self, only problem, I might not want to leave. Do you think if I hide under the bed, by the banjo, till no one is looking, I could come out at night and haunt the place like a Victorian ghost?
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